The Gratitude Advantage: Scaling Your Business with a Thankful Heart
In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, where strategic decisions, innovative thinking, and unwavering determination drive success, the...
Jo Hall
Writing Your Way to Change and Courage
I love and hate the new start to the year in equal measure. Each year, it’s duality never fails to amaze me. The excitement of the new...
Kate Woolsey
3 Mindset Shifts to Master Your Word of the Year
It’s becoming more and more popular to choose an annual anchor word. But how do you personalize this trend to ensure it's meaningful for...
Jo Gifford
Self-Care and the Micro Sabbatical
Like many women of my age, I am juggling a lot right now. Aging parent care, parenting my own children, running my business, and...
Cate Butler Ross
The 7 Crucial Steps to Becoming a Writer
So you didn’t start that writing project this year like you were meant to. In fact, that beautiful notepad you bought for penning that...
Marisa Raymond
Core Values, People Pleasing, and Finding the Calm in this month's, MOMents of Mindfulness
I stroke my younger son’s head as he lays under a blanket on the couch. He’s sick. And, though he’s 12 years old and I have a deadline, I...